Provide strength to compromised teeth
Dental crowns are a cap that fits over the biting surface of your tooth. Crowns are usually recommended when large fractures of your tooth have occurred or after a root canal treatment.
Full gold crowns/precious metal crowns. These are usually the best option for back teeth. Precious metal has been used as a dental material for an extensive amount of time and studies have shown excellent longevity. They are minimally invasive as the precious metal provides good strength in thin sections, meaning less tooth removal is required, they also cause very little wear to opposing teeth. The main downside is their appearance.
Emax crowns. Emax is a layered full ceramic metal free crown. Emax crowns are usually the best crown option to replicate the aesthetics of your tooth. They can be layered with different shades or porcelain to provide the most life like appearance of any crown material, which is excellent for anterior teeth. Zirconia crowns are usually more durable though.
Zirconia crowns. Zirconia is a full porcelain metal free crown. Zirconia is a very hard material and can provide a brilliant solution when crowning posterior teeth, especially in patients that grind their teeth. Zirconia crowns are not as aesthetic as Emax crowns.
Metal Fused to Porcelain (PFM). These crowns have a layer of metal at the base to provide strength with porcelain fused to the metal to provide the aesthetics. These crowns are strong and durable but have poorer aesthetics when compared to Zirconia and Emax. They are usually a cheaper option than Emax, Zirconia and Gold.
Non Precious Metal Crown. These crowns are mainly composed of chromium or beryllium as well as nickel and cobalt. These crowns have good strength and are cheaper than the other crown options. They are not aesthetically pleasing and can be very hard, which could cause wear to the opposing teeth.
Treatment Length
1 Hour
Recovery Time
24 Hours
Best Results
2 Sessions
Frequently Asked Questions
We are often asked many questions associated with our treatment, and the questions listed below form a selection of the most frequently asked. If you have any questions which do not appear in this list, please contact us.
Your dentist will usually start with an x-ray to assess the case. If suitable they will explain different crown options before starting the treatment. You will usually be numbed up with local anaesthetic. The tooth is then prepared to the correct shape for the chosen crown and an impression or scan of the tooth is taken. Your dentist will then finish off the treatment by placing a temporary crown and selecting a shade, if an aesthetic tooth coloured crown is chosen.Â
Crowns can provide considerably improved strength to compromised teeth and can help to maintain the tooth in the mouth for a significant period. They can also drastically improve the appearance of teeth especially broken down, stained, discoloured or heavily restored front teeth.
Crowns are crafted in a dental laboratory to fit your tooth and restore the form and function of your natural tooth.
Full gold crowns/precious metal crowns, Emax crowns, Zirconia crowns, Metal Fused to Porcelain (PFM) and Non Precious Metal Crowns.
You should then ensure the crowned tooth is kept clean, using interdental brushes in between the tooth daily, maintaining a heathy diet and using fluoride toothpaste. Regular examinations with your dentist and hygienist appointments are also recommended.
Price List
Filling cost start from:
£550.00 for an PFM crown,
£650.00 for a Zirconia crown,
£650.00 for a Emax crown,
£850.00 for a Gold crown.
Let's begin your
treatment journey
To start your treatment follow the steps below.
1 - Book a consultation
Book your consultation using our online booking system. Pick a date and time that suits you best. If you have any questions, please call the practice. Click here to book online.
2 - Your appointment
On the day of your consultation, please arrive on time to your appointment. If you have any questions, these can be asked during the consultation.
Got a question?
Speak with one of our specialists directly using our online contact form.